Things Not to Wear on a Airplane

Things Not to Wear on a Airplane

Things Not to Wear on a Plane: Ensuring Comfort for You and Your Fellow Passengers

Selecting your outfit for a flight can be as crucial as packing your luggage. Comfort and convenience typically steer our choices for air travel attire, yet some pieces are better left at home to ensure a more pleasant trip for you and others onboard. To enhance the comfort of your journey and that of your fellow travelers, here are ten items to steer clear of when dressing for a flight.

In the unique environment of an airplane, where you spend hours in a confined space at high altitudes, comfort should be your priority over style. Choosing clothing that keeps you comfortable and at ease will not only make you look more put-together but also feel better than someone juggling bulky luggage in high heels or feeling uncomfortable in tight, synthetic materials. To maintain your best look and feel great while traversing the skies, steer clear of these common in-flight fashion missteps.

Flight Attendant advice ‘never wear shorts’ on a plane

Remaining seated for extended periods can impede circulation, leading to swollen legs. Compression socks are crafted to alleviate soreness in the legs and feet and to mitigate the risk of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), which are blood clots that can form in the legs. Fortunately, these socks have become significantly more stylish than they used to be. It’s advisable to wear them before you board the plane, as fitting them in the limited space of an aircraft can prove to be difficult.

High Heels or Uncomfortable Shoes

While they might make a fashion statement, high heels or uncomfortable shoes can be a nightmare on flights, especially during long-haul trips. Opt for comfortable, flat shoes that are easy to slip on and off at security checkpoints and during the flight. Slip-on shoes are particularly practical for quick transitions through security and for comfort during the flight.

Perfume or Strong Fragrances

Strong scents can be overwhelming in the confined space of an airplane cabin. Out of consideration for those who may have allergies or sensitivities, it’s best to avoid wearing heavy perfumes or colognes. Instead, opt for lightly scented or fragrance-free products to ensure a comfortable environment for all passengers.

Tight Clothing

Tight clothing can restrict blood flow, which is particularly concerning on longer flights where the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) increases. Choose loose-fitting, comfortable clothes to promote better circulation and comfort during the flight. Materials like cotton or breathable fabrics are ideal for maintaining comfort.

Complicated Outfits

Outfits that are difficult to get in and out of can complicate trips to the restroom or become uncomfortable over time. Aim for simplicity and ease with your travel attire. Simple outfits like leggings and a tunic, or a comfortable dress, can make the journey more pleasant.

Excessive Jewelry

Too much jewelry can not only be a hassle at security checkpoints but can also become uncomfortable or even lost during your journey. Keep it minimal and practical. Small, simple pieces are less likely to cause issues and are easier to manage during travel.

Contact Lenses

The dry air in airplane cabins can make wearing contact lenses uncomfortable. If possible, wear glasses to keep your eyes more comfortable and hydrated. Glasses can also be easier to manage if you fall asleep during the flight.

Heavy Coats

While it’s important to stay warm, a heavy coat can be cumbersome and take up valuable space. Consider layering or bringing a lightweight, compactable jacket instead. Layering allows you to adjust your clothing based on the cabin temperature.

Offensive or Inappropriate Clothing

Clothing with offensive graphics or slogans can cause discomfort or conflict with fellow passengers. Opt for neutral, uncontroversial clothing when flying. Respectful attire can contribute to a more pleasant environment for everyone on board.

Metal Accessories

Metal belts, large buckles, and other metal accessories can slow you down at security checks. Save time and choose non-metallic options when possible. Consider belts with plastic buckles or avoiding belts altogether.


While it’s tempting to prioritize comfort, wearing pajamas can come across as unprofessional or too casual. Find a middle ground with comfortable yet presentable travel clothes. Joggers or sweatpants paired with a nice top can provide both comfort and a more polished appearance.

Final Thoughts
Traveling by plane doesn’t have to compromise your comfort or style, but being mindful of your clothing choices can enhance your own experience and that of those around you. By avoiding these ten items, you’re on your way to a more enjoyable and hassle-free flight. Safe travels, and don’t forget to dress smartly and comfortably!

What to Wear on a Plane

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