Flying with pets in India

Flying with pets in India? Know these airline rules before you go!

Carrying Pets on Domestic Flights in India: A Comprehensive Guide

Traveling with pets on domestic flights in India has become increasingly common as more people want to include their furry friends in their travel plans. Understanding the rules and regulations for flying with pets within India is crucial for a smooth and stress-free journey. This article provides a detailed guide on how to navigate the process of taking your pets on domestic flights in India. Traveling with a pet in India is easier than you might think.

India Airport

On Air India, pets are permitted in the cabin. However, for other airlines such as Jet Airways, Indigo, and SpiceJet, pets are not allowed in the cabin but can travel in the baggage compartment. Be aware of certain restrictions, especially regarding the age of the pet, as the oxygen level in the baggage compartment is lower. These airlines may refuse travel to ensure the safety of younger animals.

Planning to fly with your dog or cat? Ensure you have all your pet’s documents ready for travel. Give yourself ample time before the journey to manage your pet’s necessary medical treatments and documentation. It’s important to begin this process well in advance.

Airlines vary in their policies regarding pet travel. Depending on the airline, your pet might be allowed to travel in the cabin or in the cargo hold of your flight. It’s crucial to verify these details with your airline in advance.

Certain airlines prohibit pet travel entirely, while others have stringent requirements for rabies vaccinations. Ensure you have all necessary paperwork and vaccination proof ready before your departure.

When it comes to transporting pets on domestic Indian flights, there are several requirements that the owner needs to fulfil.

Airlines’ Pet Policies

Different airlines in India have varying policies regarding pet travel. It’s essential to check with the specific airline before booking your ticket. Generally, most airlines allow small pets like cats and dogs on domestic flights, subject to certain conditions.

Air India

Air India permits pets on board, but they must be carried in approved kennels and placed in the cargo hold. The airline also has specific breed, size, and weight restrictions.

Domestic Air India flights allow small pets such as cats, dogs, and birds, but it’s crucial to obtain approval from the flight commander before your pet can travel with you. Transporting your pet, whether furry or feathered, is at your own risk. Additionally, you are required to have a valid health and rabies vaccination certificate for your pet.


IndiGo allows pets, but only in the cargo hold. They require pets to be in a leak-proof, lockable container or carrier.

Indigo Airlines does not permit pets to be carried in the aircraft cabin.


SpiceJet also accommodates pets but under specific conditions and fees. Pets must be carried in an IATA-approved container and booked in advance.

Pets are not permitted to be carried on-board SpiceJet flights. However, they are permitted to be carried in the cargo hold on domestic flights.

Pre-Flight Preparations

Health Check-up

Ensure your pet is healthy enough to travel. A visit to the vet for a check-up is advisable. Obtain a health certificate, which is often required by airlines.


Book your flight well in advance and inform the airline that you will be traveling with a pet. Understand the costs involved as airlines charge an additional fee for transporting pets.

Crate Training

Get your pet accustomed to staying in a crate. This is crucial as pets need to be in a crate during the flight.

How to get your pet accustomed to staying in a crate


Getting your pet accustomed to staying in a crate is an important step, especially if you plan to travel with them. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help your pet become comfortable with a crate:

  • Choose the Right Crate: Select a crate that is large enough for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Ensure it’s well-ventilated and safe.
  • Introduce the Crate: Place the crate in a common area where your pet spends a lot of time. Keep the crate door open and let your pet explore it on their own. You can encourage exploration by placing treats or toys near and inside the crate.
  • Create Positive Associations: Make the crate a pleasant place. Place comfortable bedding inside, along with favorite toys and treats. Feed your pet near the crate initially, then inside it to create a positive association.
  • Gradual Acclimation: Encourage your pet to spend more time in the crate. Start with short periods while you’re home. Use a command like “crate time” and guide them in with a treat. Gradually increase the time they spend in the crate.
  • Praise and Reward: Every time your pet enters the crate, praise them and offer a treat. This reinforces crate time as a positive experience.
  • Practice Closing the Door: Once your pet is comfortable spending time in the crate, start practicing with the door closed. Begin with a few minutes and gradually increase the time. Always stay nearby at first.
  • Increase Alone Time: As your pet gets used to the crate, you can start leaving them in it when you step out for short periods. This helps them understand that it’s safe to be in the crate even when you’re not around.
  • Overnight Stays: If your pet is comfortable, try letting them sleep in the crate overnight. This can help them get used to longer periods, especially useful for travel.
  • Consistency: Consistency is key. Make the crate a regular part of your pet’s routine.
  • Never Use the Crate for Punishment: It’s crucial that the crate is never used as a place of punishment. It should always be a safe, positive space.

Remember, every pet is different and may take varying lengths of time to get comfortable with a crate. Patience and positive reinforcement are key. If your pet shows signs of distress, slow down the process and consult a veterinarian or a pet behaviorist for guidance.

On the Day of Travel

Arriving Early

Arrive at the airport earlier than usual. This gives you ample time to complete any additional paperwork and helps your pet acclimatize to the environment.


Feed your pet a few hours before the flight to avoid any discomfort during the journey.


Carry all necessary documentation, including health certificates and vaccination records.

During the Flight

Pets are usually transported in the cargo hold. Ensure that your pet’s crate is secure, comfortable, and labeled with your contact information. Some airlines may allow smaller pets in the cabin, but this is rare in India.

Post-Flight Care

Once you arrive at your destination, immediately check on your pet. Provide them with water and a chance to relieve themselves.

Are pets allowed in domestic flights in India?


Yes, nearly all commercial airlines in India allow pets on board. Pets traveling on flights incur extra charges and are not included in the standard free baggage allowance. When traveling domestically within India, the typical excess baggage fees apply to pets. This includes the combined weight of the pet, the container, and any food inside the crate.

Travelling with pets on domestic flights in India requires careful planning and adherence to airline policies. By preparing in advance and understanding the requirements, you can ensure a safe and comfortable journey for you and your pet. Always prioritize your pet’s well-being and consult with your airline for any specific concerns or requirements related to pet travel.


  • Excess baggage fees are applicable for transporting pets, based on the total weight of the pet, its container, and any food supplies.
  • The pet’s kennel will be marked with its name and should contain a moisture-absorbent mat inside.
  • Pets are transported in pressurized, temperature-controlled settings to ensure their comfort. Specifically, on Boeing aircraft, the temperature is adjusted for their well-being.
  • Skilled personnel manage the handling of all animals, and this service is accessible at all airports serviced by Boeing flights.
  • Some destinations impose restrictions on specific animal breeds, so pet owners need to consult with the station in-charge prior to making their reservations.


Justin, a renowned travel writer, captivates with tales from his global adventures. Armed with a knack for journalism, he's renowned for revealing hidden treasures and sharing useful travel advice. His dedication to sustainable travel motivates readers to explore the world with mindfulness.

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