Airline Seat Selection

Tips for Dodging Costly Airline Seat Selection Charges

Smart Ways to Handle Airline Seat Selection Fees

In the quest for the cheapest airfares, travelers often encounter a common upsell: costly seat selection fees. Airlines, aiming to advertise the lowest possible prices, frequently add these fees in the final stages of booking. This strategy, known as drip pricing, can significantly inflate your initially low fare.

Airlines have become adept at tacking on additional fees to airfare costs. In recent years, travelers have noticed charges for what used to be standard, such as carry-on bags and printed boarding passes. However, one subtle fee that often goes unnoticed even by experienced travelers is for seat selection.

At first glance, these fees seem straightforward: some airlines offer the option to choose a specific seat for an additional charge on top of the ticket price. Yet, the presentation of these fees can be deceptive, suggesting that selecting a seat—and incurring the fee—is mandatory.

Here’s how to navigate these charges and save money while still securing a decent seat.

Understanding the Airline Strategy

Airlines are in a constant battle to appear the most affordable option in search results. However, once you start the booking process, additional costs, like seat selection fees, begin to appear. This tactic not only increases your total travel cost but also leverages the psychological commitment of the buyer to proceed with a purchase, despite the increase in price.

Know Your Options

One effective way to dodge these fees is to forego advance seat selection altogether. If you’re not particular about where you sit, or if you’re on a short flight where comfort is less of a concern, skipping seat selection can save you anywhere from a few dollars to over fifty, depending on the airline and the length of the flight.

Choose the Right Airline

Not all airlines treat seat selection fees equally. Some, like Alaska, Hawaiian, and JetBlue, are known for their consumer-friendly policies, including minimal or no charges for choosing a seat. Flying with these airlines can lead to substantial savings, especially for frequent travelers or families.

Consider the Trade-Offs

When you opt out of paid seat selection, there is always the risk of being assigned a less desirable seat, such as the middle seat. However, there is also the possibility of being assigned a better seat, including those with extra legroom, especially if the flight isn’t full or if there are last-minute no-shows. Additionally, some airlines automatically assign seats for free at check-in, giving you a chance to change your seat without a fee.

Best and Worst Case Scenarios

In the worst-case scenario, you may end up in a middle seat between two strangers. However, the best-case scenario could see you enjoying unexpected legroom or a window or aisle seat. The potential discomfort of a less ideal seat could be worth the savings, especially on shorter flights.

By understanding airline pricing tactics and knowing your options, you can make informed decisions that lead to both comfort and savings. Opting out of advance seat selection, choosing the right airlines, and being flexible with your seating can all help you dodge those pesky seat selection charges, making your travel experience both more affordable and more enjoyable.

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